"Fall" featuring Verve Dance Company

 Monday, December 3, 2012

Verve Dance Company's show titled Fall was this weekend and we performed four times: Friday evening on November 30, Saturday matinee & evening on December 1, and Sunday matinee
 on December 2.
Here's some of us in the dressing room getting pumped for the show!
My girl Sara & I got matching socks from our director as a gift
to the company
 dressing room memories
Verve Dance Company. Here we are with our assistant director Rebecca Rabideau on the left and our artistic director Andrea Hashim, second from the right. Not all of the company members are in this picture. Some of them left before the picture was taken.
 my sweet hubby got me roses <3
 Sara LOVED flirting talking with James :)
Some of my company girlies Sara, Alejandra "Ollie", and Celia.
 My amazing best friends came to see my perform Saturday night. They brought me gorgeous roses too!
 Nicole, Whitney, Chelsea, Ixchel, Jenna
 Isn't my husband so handsome? My dance friends all agree...
my bouquet of both the pink roses from James and the pinkish yellow roses from the girls
A picture of Dom & me by the fire at Sara's company after-party. 
Alainia & me at the party.

It's crazy that the performances FLEW by so fast. It is a bittersweet feeling: feeling so accomplished knowing our hard work paid off. All of those hours of practice & rehearsal & business made our performances amazing & it's over! It saddens me that I will never dance with this same group of dancers again. We, as Verve Dance Company Fall 2012, became a dance family. I'm so proud of how awesome our performance turned out! I'm excited to see the dvd of the shows. The weekend events included James and I going to dinner in between Saturday's matinee & evening shows. We went to Smashburger for the first time & it was oh so good! Amy, Alainia, & Johnny joined us too & we had fun. Then after Saturday's show, James & I went out with the girls (Nicole, Whitney, Ixchel, & Jenna) to Yogurtini. After Sunday's show we went over to Sara's house for some homemade authentic Mexican food. Literally THE BEST tostados I have EVER eaten. Kudos to Mrs. Hernandez. 
It was an unforgettable weekend.


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