The Holiday Movie Date Night
Saturday, December 7, 2013
I planned our date night around the movie The Holiday starring Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and Jack Black. James had never seen that movie because it came out when he was on his mission. James came home from work to open an early "Christmas gift." It was just our date night in a Christmas bag. He unwrapped the movie The Holiday and the rest of the date night.
In the movie, Kate Winslet suggests some Christmas Fettuccine, so that is exactly what I made! I added chicken to it also. It was so unbelievably delicious and Christmasy. What makes it so Christmasy you ask? Lemon juice and nutmeg. So.So.So.Good! I got the recipe from here. I also halved the recipe, we split the portion between the two of us, and we were both stuffed. It is very heavy (because of the heavy cream) but very tasty. So plan on eating light and healthy earlier in the day and get a workout in before you eat this delectable dish. I didn't take a picture of it, but it looked like this picture I found on google images, just imagine chicken added to it.
During the movie I had us brainstorm 5 movies that the 4 main characters are in. I knew this would be challenging for James because recognizing actors/names/movies is not his strong suit. That is definitely one of my talents I inherited from my Nana and Gramps and Dad. I told him that if he could think of any other characters names/movies they've been in, it counts as bonus points toward his score (I can't use that for bonus points though). He ended up winning because he used the movie The Holiday in his list (I didn't think to do that) and he came up with Shrek 1, 2, & 3 for Cameron Diaz and Sherlock Holmes 1 & 2 for Jude Law hahaha.
We paused the movie to make our dessert together: Toasted Marshmallow Milkshakes. I renamed them Campfire Toasted Mallow Ice Cream Shakes because I thought it would sound more appetizing to James (and to me). They were DELICIOUS! And SO SO easy to make. Just blend 1 cup of milk, 2 cups of vanilla ice cream (we used cookie dough ice cream), and 12 REGULAR (not mini, not jumbo) size marshmallows that have been toasted in the oven for 1-2 minutes on the broil setting. (Watch closely to make sure the marshmallows don't catch on fire) Here are pictures from the website I found the recipe on.
If you watch this movie, know that it is rather long. 2 hours and 15 minutes. I have no idea why it is that long, but I seem to watch the movie every year because it's a great holiday chick flick.
James' favorite part of the movie was when the two little kids come into the scene.
I love the amazing tent that they have. I also love Kate Winslet's cute English cottage that Cameron Diaz stays at.
Watch James' absolute favorite part of the movie:
It was a great December date night!
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