August 2015

 Wednesday, March 23, 2016

August 1
Planning for our home at Home Depot today with James.
August 2
Church was wonderful. Pi wore her new Cinderella by Lauren Conrad dress today. She looks gorgeous on this summer day!
August 3
Nana sent photos of her beautiful renovated bathroom today. I want to copy her elegant style! Also, James starts his emergency medicine rotation today. Hooray!
August 4
It poured rain today with a bit of flooding in the driveway! I taught the young women a dance to "Shut Up and Dance with Me" by Walk the Moon for mutual! They did a great job! Proud of Piper too.
Don't mind how ridiculous I look. 
August 5
No documentation. I used this printable to plan my lesson for Sunday!
August 6
Thinking of my medical school friends today and how we are all like Disney princesses haha.
August 7
James was home today working on the house. He left for work at 1pm to work until 11pm. I organized the house, did brain gym exercises with Pi, folded laundry, did the dishes, completed stuff on my to-do list, then we watched Netflix! Alias with Jennifer Garner is our FAV!
August 8
Brian Lehnhof and Andy Bergeson helped James sand the hardwood floors in our house today! I helped sweep up the disaster of dust it left on the floor. It was super time-consuming and they didn't come close to finishing. I made dinner and we grilled hamburgers for the guys and their families who came over. 
 Cute Pi!
Left to Right: Jerry (Bri's sister's boyfriend), Finn & Brian & Remie, Bri, McCall (Bri's sister), Bobbie & Livie, Faye, James, and Andy.
August 9
I taught the Young Women lesson today on becoming righteous wives and mothers. 
August 10
I babysat for Lacey Vogts, a 4th year EM resident at Kent. Her baby is around 6 months and he is SO cute. His name is Reed and he's the easiest baby to babysit!
August 11
No documentation. But this rose keeps blooming in our back yard!
August 12
Babysat Reed again!
Lacey & James were working together so Lacey texted me this picture of James while I was babysitting Reed!
August 13
Babysat Reed once again! I'm so lucky.
August 14
Tried Cap'n Crunch Sprinkled Donut. I do NOT recommend.
August 15
We got this couch by the side of the road. Looks decent right? It smelled horrible. Had to get rid of it asap. Never again!
August 16
Great day at church. Sister Storms taught the Young Women about chastity today! Here are more flowers amidst the weeds in our back yard.
August 17
Piper went to stake young women's camp! It was so awesome for her to be able to enjoy girls camp this week with the young women in my stake. Haidee Storms drove her and Piper was a first year Youth Camp Leader! She was gone through August 22. James and I had an FHE date night and had dinner at Iggy's Doughboys & Chowder House then went to Narragansett Beach together and swam in the ocean!
 Piper ready for Haidee to pick her up for Girl's Camp!
 We ate clam cakes, clam chowda, quahog "stuffies," & doughboys for dessert! 
 Beach lovin' with my babe.
After we got in the water haha.
August 18-21
No documentation, Piper is at girl's camp. Picture: James sanding the floors.
August 22
James spent more time sanding the wood floors himself!
You can see the difference. The darker is the gross waxy floor and the lighter color is the sanded wood floor.
My babe working hard on those floors!
Piper is home from Stake Girl's Camp! She is pictured the 2nd from the right on the front row! She loved being a YCL!
August 23
Had a great day at church. Piper was too exhausted to even move out of bed from girl's camp! She told me to tell all the young women she loves them. Haha.
The Young Women Camp Theme for 2015.
August 24
Piper's first day of online school as a junior for the 2015-2016 school year!
August 25
For the young women activity tonight we met the young women at Brickley's after they rode their bikes from the church. We indulged ourselves with delicious ice cream and it was Piper's last activity with the Narragansett Ward Young Women before she goes back to Texas.
Left to Right: Elena Storms, Hannah Stoklosa, Rachel Stoklosa, Piper, me, McKenna Wall, Bri Bergeson, Amber Hawkins, Haidee Storms.
August 26
Bri Bergeson drove Piper and I to the Boston airport and we flew back to Texas. We had the best reunion with Paxton our pup! Piper and I watched Alias together, we love!
August 27
I read my book, then had dinner with Pi at Nana & Gramps' house. We had lasagna and cookies and talked all night!
August 28
I visited with Nans & Gramps again and then went to lunch with Mom and Pi at Panera Bread. We went to Kohls, Dollar Tree, Target, and Wendys. I love these days with the girls.
August 29
What a nice short trip home. I flew back to RI after stopping to take a picture in the Chicago O'Hare airport. James picked me up-hugs!
August 30
Great day at church! Then I drove to Cranston and met Katie, she is an attending who works night shifts in the ER at Kent. She and her husband Kevin interviewed me to watch their 3 little boys for a couple of hours in the mornings twice a week. They are very nice people and the boys are full of energy! I had dinner with the Bergesons over at the Lehnhofs house while James had to work. They're so nice to invite me! 
August 31
James starts his cardiology rotation today. P.S. James trapped and killed a mouse for me while I was out of town. Thanks babe!
Happy End of August!


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